Our Team.
Dr. Nathan Waltham
Senior Research Scientist
Nathan's focus is on the impacts of coastal urban development, integrated catchment management, wetland restoration and Indigenous environmental training.
Dr. Adam Barnett
Senior Research Scientist
Adam's research interests include the ecology and conservation of chondrichthyans (sharks, batoids and chimaeras), teleosts and sea turtles.
Dr. Katya Abrantes
Senior Research Scientist
Katya's area of focus is aquatic ecology, specialising in rivers and estuaries of Australia, East Africa and the Pacific Islands.
Dr. Carlo Mattone
Research Scientist
Carlo is a coastal and estuarine ecologist with expertise in studying and assessing water quality.
Dr. Michael Bradley
Research Scientist
Michael has a focus on how seagrass meadows, mangrove forests, reefs, estuaries and wetlands underpin fish populations, fisheries and human communities.
Caitlin Lennard
Research Assistant/Spatial & Data Analyst
Caitlin is the research assistant for the lab and Marine Data Technology Hub. She's interested in the use of technology in coastal & climate science, with a focus on fisheries and coastal
management & revegetation.
Kevin Crook
Research Scientist
Kevin is assessing the functional roles of rays in sandflat ecosystems.
Nicolas Lubitz
PhD Candidate
Nico is studying the drivers of large-scale movement in bull sharks and hammerheads.
Sophie Walker
PhD Candidate
Sophie's research focuses on habitat complexity and connectivity in tropical estuarine ecosystems. She has an interest in the ways drones are used to map and monitor the environment.
Max Hirschfeld
PhD Candidate
Max is interested in marine animals and has participated in previous research projects in the Galapagos Islands.
Cecile Vulliet
PhD Candidate
Cecile is conducting research into saltmarsh connectivity in tropical seascapes.
Ajay Venkataraman
PhD Candidate
Bhavnah Komul Kalidin
PhD Candidate
Emma Rooks
PhD Candidate
Jaelen Myers
PhD Candidate
1 James Cook Drive
James Cook University
Townsville, Australia, 4812